
How everything that does exists does exist, or how reality is created.

How everything that does exists does exist, or how reality is created. 

(the thing, actually, not the concept. More on that on a latter article).
Or better be it: how to explain in reasonable and researchable terms for everybody to understand what is that basic underlay of reality that makes said reality to exist.
Here, we are taking a shot into answering the greatest question everybody has had at least one time; and by this I mean the act of questioning existence itself and the fact that things are, and everyone just seems to be OK with it.
There have been different approaches on explaining reality and existence itself, mathematical models and stuff, but we are here trying to make an interpretation of said physics. Interpretations, such as the Copenhagen Interpretation by Niels Bohr (the atom guy) and Werner Heisenberg (the cat dilemma guy) are just loosely-knit informal collections of axioms or doctrines that attempt to express in everyday language the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics, and such is our concern. No more than words. This *just* is a thinking exercise.
So yes, there is a universe, there is stuff like time and space to contain it. There are things like DNA and molecules and the Higgs boson, there is quantum vacuum, there is the Higgs Field, there is the planck scale there is a lot of stuff science brings around and has fancy-click-baitable names, but ¿why and how does everything that is is that that it is? Really, if you have had not had this simple and life-changing question you are a mindless turd as long as this article cares.
Back on topic, this simple question, is the result of one thing that makes you be(and it could be the very same mechanism that makes stuff be!). And don't feel so proud and special whilst readong this, for you are no unique and beautiful snowflake mate, no. You, that filthy screen you are staring at, the food you are eating and the land you live, the planet you live, the galaxy you live on, they are all part of the same compost pile.
Back into our greater quest, I really think I´ve got a grasp of it, so try and follow me, and if needed just go and research terms you don’t get, trust me, you´ll love what you are going to find. Remember we´re not wandering int metaphysical land, theological land or hippy land. We are talking about raw-theoretically-theoretical physics here.
Reality, as I´ve gotten to understand goes as follows, and please mind I´m not talking about you or me, or our planet or galaxy, but as the Universe as a whole system, it goes something like this:
1.The Universe, or this primordial soup gives off raw material as energy, this was the beginning of everything as far as we have the chance to prove so. The universe began with a whole lot of energy and then began its way to be the complex thing we observe, inhabit and think of as reality.
2. Particles, subatomic particles, fundamental forces, and basically any interaction that is covered by the laws of physics, ranging from simple ones like matter arranging and repurposing itself into every kind of interesting things such as galaxies, nebulae, carbon fiber, carbon fullerenes, or even complex ones like carbon-living beings, are just dissipating energy, this brings me to the very one thing I tried to avoid for my first article and it is thermodynamics.
For starters, one of thermodynamics beautiful laws interpretation is that complexity will arise given enough time, resources and energy. Just like saying what can happen, will happen.
This thermodynamic, now-complex forms, sons of energy, offspring of hydrogen and helium, through perception, feed back as a whole a new set of raw data to the universe through black holes.
See, the most awesome and powerful law, the almighthy gravity has clumped together matter since there was matter to be clumped together, and so, this vast clumps of matter we name black holes, and which are the structural pillars of our existence, had existed (at least in placement and influence) since the very beginning of times.
Everything is involved in this process. Explaining quantum principles and some interpretations of reality are coming on other articles, but now I just want you to picture this: Those tiny things you were taught to be the building blocks of reality are made up of even smaller things; tiny giants made of tinier giants. And every contraption made up of these tiny blocks is made of different stages of blocks. And the best of all; all these blocks are constantly communicating with other blocks throughout the whole universe.
Do you know what rules the universe? There are four fundamental laws, Electromagnetism, Weak nuclear, Strong nuclear and Gravity. Gravity is a bitch. It does create black holes, which are giant vacuums, that suck particles, particles that have been part of stars, planets, dinosaurs or you. This particles have had interactions with other particles, and as we have learnt in previous lines, everything that makes up this particles is entangled to other particle-making stuff throughout the whole universe.
3. The Universe radiates Hawking radiation through said black holes. What? You may think. This giant roombas can do anything else than suck stuff? Well yes. As it comes to be, other principle of that beautiful field that is thermodynamics and physics covers up something that is fundamental to this framework of interpreting the universe; tradeoff. Action reaction or energy exchange. Suche being said, these black-hole-beasts “evaporate”. At a surprisingly slow rate. This evaporation comes in form of subatomic particles, thus constantly emitting data-charged particles, or building blocks, for a new iteration to feed new data to itself and generate more complexity based on the previously-fed complexity.
Remember that every particle in the whole universe is entangles to another one, and that everything came from the same place, so no matter the distance, the spread of the information is, or at least can be considered even or homogeneous.
This is particularly applicable at a subatomic level; but through quantum effects this new, updated information is effectively radiated throughout the whole universe constantly.
i.c; The universe is an asexual, inbred, living being.
A revision of a previously published crap.


Mientras que sindicatos, empresarios y poderes estatales discuten sobre la cantidad a aumentar el salario mínimo, deberían tener en cuenta que toda la legislación de salario mínimo crea un mercado de compradores de mano de obra no calificada. Y como en todos los mercados de compradores, los compradores (en este caso, los empleadores) disfrutan de una ventaja de negociación desigual sobre los vendedores (en este caso, los trabajadores no cualificados).  Consideremos, por ejemplo, un supermercado de barrio. Supongamos que decide que un andén  limpio atraerá a más clientes, y que esto aumentará sus ventas en $ 50,000 por día. Por supuesto, el tendero no pagará más de $50,000 por día para tener su entrada limpia. Luego investiga la mejor manera de hacer el trabajo.

Supongamos que hay dos opciones disponibles para él. Una forma es contratar a un trabajador bastante experto que puede limpiar el andén en una hora, mientras que la segunda forma es contratar a dos trabajadores no calificados que,trabajando juntos, conseguirán el trabajo hecho en el mismo tiempo. En igualdad de circunstancias, el tendero hará su decisión basada en el costo relativo del experto contra los trabajadores no calificados.

Asumamos que el trabajador calificado cobrará $ 11.000 por hora, mientras que cada uno de los trabajadores no calificados le cobrará $ 4.500 por hora.
En un mercado laboral libre, el tendero contratará a los dos trabajadores no calificados, ya que, en total, le cuesta $ 9.000 por hora de trabajadores no calificados, mientras que costaría $ 11.000 para el experto en la materia del andén limpiar.

Pero, ¿qué va a hacer el tendero si se impone un salario mínimo de $6.500  por hora? Para contratar a los dos trabajadores no calificados ahora le costará un total de $ 13.000 por hora. El experto en la materia se convierte en la mejor ganga en $ 11.000 la hora.

La legislación de salario mínimo despoja a los trabajadores no calificados o inexpertos de su única carta de negociación: la voluntad de trabajar por un salario inferior al aplicado por los trabajadores con más habilidades y/o experiencia. El resultado es una gran tasa de desempleo de trabajadores no calificados.
Consideremos otro efecto del salario mínimo. Debido a que hay más personas que están dispuestos a aplicar a puestos de trabajo con  salario mínimo que la cantidad de puestos de trabajo disponibles, los empleadores tienen pocos incentivos para tratar a los trabajadores no calificados con respeto o dignidad. Si un empleador es abusivo hacia un trabajador no calificado, el empleador no tiene que preocuparse si el trabajador renuncia. Después de todo, hay un montón de trabajadores no calificados desempleados que pueden ser contratados para cubrir puestos vacantes por los trabajadores son despedidos o renuncian por las condiciones laborales.

Además, el mercado de compradores permanentes creado por el salario mínimo alienta a los empleadores discriminar en sus decisiones de contratación y despido en función de su sexo, raza, religión, y así sucesivamente. Supongamos que un empleador tiene dos empleos de salario mínimo disponibles, pero hay diez trabajadores no calificados que soliciten los puestos de trabajo. Debido a que los trabajadores se les prohíbe competir entre sí sobre la base de los salarios, otros factores deben determinar cuál de los trabajadores será contratado. Si el empleador, por ejemplo, tiene un odio irracional de los negros, y si hay por lo menos dos trabajadores no negros que han solicitado empleo, uno puede estar seguro de que no se contratará a los trabajadores negros. Tambien se puede estar seguro que preferirán a mujeres solteras pues las madres pueden llegar a faltar al trabajo. Con un excedente de trabajadores no calificados, no hay ningún incentivo económico para detener a empleadores intolerantes de ceder a sus prejuicios.

La legislación de salario mínimo crea un exceso de oferta de mano de obra no calificada. Esto da a los compradores de mano de obra no calificada (empleadores) una ventaja injusta sobre la negociación de los vendedores de mano de obra no calificada(empleados). Por tanto, es pura fantasía creer que el bienestar de los trabajadores no calificados, y que son una gran cantidad en el país, además de ser los sectores mas vulnerables de la población,  se puede mejorar incrementando el salario mínimo.